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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kanak-Kanak Laki-Laki

Hari Isnin lepas aku, nilam, raz and beberapa orang lagi telah pergi ke Rumah Budak Laki-Laki kat Durian Daun. During the first meeting, Khai(the project manager) told us that these kids are "anak yatim juvana". We were so worried then lebih2 lagi lepas Khai pesan jangan pakai minyak wangi sebab diorang tak tahan bau perfume ppuan and Khai kate diorang ni kempunan skit. So tak payah la nak tunjuk2 phone ke gadget2 menarik ke depan diorang.

Mase sampai kat tempat bdk2 tu, i was a bit worried but not afraid. aku risau tak dapat handle diorang ataupun tertanya things that can make them angry or terasa hati.

Bila dah jumpa bdk2 tu, diorang tak la seperti yang dijangka and they are not "anak yatim juvana". diorang ni kebanyakannya didera. Aku mengajar sorang budak malam tu. Name dia Khairul Anuar. Badan dia kecik je macam budak darjah satu tapi umur dia 13 thn.

Lepas habis tolong dia wat keje sekolah, he began telling a long story about his family even i didn't ask anything about his background. Dia mula cerita yang mak ayah dia bergaduh and they finally divorced.Lepas cerai dua kali ayah dia bwk dia jumpe mak beliau, pujuk mak dia suh balik but his mother refused and finally the whole family was brought to a police station. There the police officer asked him to choose whether to stay with his mom or his dad and he answered,

"saya nak duduk dengan dua2".

And the officer asked him to choose between both his parents. Then he continued on and on until he asked me a question.

"Kak, saya tak faham. Name mak saya Fatimah, ayah saya Zainal Abidin tapi dalam ic diorang tulis name ayah saya Abdullah. Kenape ye kak?"

I was shocked and did not know how to respond. Air mata budak tu dah bergenang and aku pon sedih dengar cerita dia. Budak kecik macam tu bercakap macam orang besar and dah tau susah payah hidup.

Aku tak sabar nak pegi sane sekali lagi Isnin depan. duduk dengan budak2 ni sikit sebanyak wat aku insaf. Semoga Allah pelihara diorang.


Anonymous said...

wutcha doin there in da 1st place?
is it ur assignment?

beddy said...

tak la
ni project kerjasama dengan budak account
kerja amal

Anonymous said...

sedih jugak bila dengar citer,budak2 sebegini..sebab parent diaorang,ank2 jadi mangsa..so,what was ur responded toward that question?what did u said to him?...just curious

beddy said...

Aku tak cakap pape. Aku rase macam sume vocab dah hilang dari kepala otak aku. Bila aku tengok mata bdk tu dah berair, aku jadi sedih. And maybe it was the best thing to do at that time.Takut tersalah cakap lain plak jadi.

Anonymous said...

baik budak ni..
suke buat keje amal..
untung btol la sape dpt jd suami u.